Legion Park

The Legion Park is the location of many community events including our annual Waverly Daze that takes place the 2nd weekend of July! 

Legion Park, also known as "Waterfront Park"  is on 14.7 acres and is located on the shore of Big Waverly Lake, just off County Highway 9. The park includes a swimming beach, two fishing docks, a swimming dock, and a boat launch. The park also offers a tennis court, basketball court, pickle ball court, two lighted volleyball courts, 6 horseshoe pits, a lighted ball field with bleachers and an electronic scoreboard. There are swings and plenty of playground equipment for smaller children. Picnic benches (8 in the outside pavilion) four grills, a bandstand and restrooms (new coming Summer of 2025) make Legion Park an ideal place for family and group activities. Legion Park also hosts our Waverly Fire Department Spring Softball Tournament, the Waverly Summer Recreation program, and many softball, baseball and volleyball tournaments. 


A covered and closed pavilion with kitchen facilities is available for rent through the City. Information on rentals can be found below.
Call 763-658-4217 to find out about availability.


Our Ball field fence was constructed in part with a grant from the Minnesota Twins along with batting cages that were completed in 2018. Rip-rap was also replaced along the lakeshore in 2019. Other ball field improvements include a field sprinkler system and a storage barn. 

New Restroom Facilities are projected to be completed Summer of 2025.