City Council
The Waverly City Council is an elected body that has administrative, financial and legislative authority over City business. It includes five members: the Mayor, elected for a two-year term, who presides over the Council meetings and has numerous other duties, and four Council members each elected for a four-year term which is staggered so that two are elected every two years.
The Council makes numerous and often difficult decisions about managing growth in the city, providing services to city residents, and budget and financing issues to name a few. An average Council agenda can include many topics from improvements and/or maintenance of the city's utilities, to granting variances for a building project, to consideration of city policies that affect the quality of life within the city. A major Council responsibility is the preparation of the annual budget which affects both service levels and tax rates. Council members also serve as liaisons on the various city boards and commissions.
Meetings: The Council meets in regular session on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 502 Atlantic Ave. If needed a workshop is held at 5:00 PM on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Other meetings are called as necessary. All meetings are open to the public.
Residents are encouraged to attend the City Council meetings or to contact any of the Council members with questions or issues. Any resident (or non-resident) can address the Council briefly during the "Public Comments" period mid-way on the agenda of every regular meeting. If you have an issue that needs to be resolved, it would be helpful if you would contact the City Administrator in advance of the meeting so that the Council can be prepared with background! Thank you!