The Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted FFA Alumni was started in 1980 to help support the local FFA chapter and the agriculture department at the high school in Howard Lake.
The group, currently numbering about 65 members, meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:30 p.m. in the high school Ag room.
The group’s annual events include an auction in August and a picnic in July. The group has funded a variety of projects for the agricultural education department. FFA members benefit from their mentorship and from scholarships sponsored by the FFA Alumni.
Membership dues are $30 per year, $125 for MN lifetime membership, or $150 for a national lifetime membership. Potential members must have a willingness to support high school agriculture. To join contact advisors Jim Weninger or Seena Glessing or call the high school Ag department at (320) 543-4614. The Alumni's email is hlwwffaalumni@gmail.com. Or follow them on Facebook: