The City Administrator is responsible for the operations of the City. The head of the Maintenance Department and the Liquor Store Manager report directly to the Administrator and thru her to the City Council. All office staff are in the Department of Administration. That office is responsible for operations, for maintaining all financial accounts for both the city and the Municipal Liquor Store, preparing budgets, utility invoices and receipts, for all building permits, facility rentals, ordinance compliance, coordinating all meetings (including material preparation), filing all state and federal reports, and the myriad other duties necessary to keep the City running smoothly.
City Administrator/ Clerk-Treasurer: Carrie Krienke
Accountant/Assistant Treasurer: Cierra Nagovsky
Utility Billing Clerk/Office Assistant: Tonya Kieser
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 4:30pm
& Friday 7:30am - 11:30am
Contact Information can be found in the Staff Directory
Information on renting the Village Hall or Legion Park Pavilion can be found here
The Fee Schedule can be found here