Wastewater (Sewer) Services


The City of Waverly provides wastewater (sewer) services to all residents in Waverly. Waverly provides basic wastewater collection services and has a contract with Montrose for wastewater treatment. All wastewater collected is pumped to the wastewater treatment plant in Montrose. The contract for these services was completed in 2002, became effective in 2004 and is for a twenty-year period, expired in 2024. 


Wastewater charges are billed monthly. Your bill will show base charges and usage charges for both Waverly and the Montrose Wastewater plant. Waverly and Montrose residents pay the same charge for the wastewater plant. Residents without water service pay a flat rate monthly charge based on an average 4,000 gallons/month usage (2,000 gallons/month for seasonal residents).


Sewer Rates for all Residential/Commercial users (effective Jan. 1, 2025)


BASE RATE:         Waverly                 $  8.00
                              Montrose Plant
      $ 6.35
                              TOTAL BASE          $14.35

USAGE RATE:      Waverly                   $10.00
                               Montrose Plant      $  5.30
                               TOTAL USAGE       $ 15.30



(As of October 2020 these rates apply only to a small segment of homes

on North Shore Drive from Elder Ave SW to County Road 9)


FULL TIME:           Waverly Charges                   $48.00/month
                               Montrose Plant Charges       $26.25/month
                               TOTAL FULL TIME                  $74.25/month


SEASONAL:          Waverly Charges                    $28.00/month
                               Montrose Plant Charges        $16.15/month
                               TOTAL SEASONAL                 $44.15/month


Rates for township residents are 3.5 times rates for Waverly Residents.